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Far From Done

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Last week was very exciting. I got the first proof of The CF Warrior Project. I know a lot of people thought that meant the book was now available but really it was just the latest version that I needed to check thoroughly to find any errors. I have now done this and I will have a second review coming this week. 

I owe it to ever warrior I write about and every warrior that reads this book that each of these stories/spotlights is completely accurate and that the reader understands why each person was chosen to be in the book. I began working on this project in the fall of 2017 and have gone through about 10 drafts and interviewed over 500 people up to this point. I’ve had to get written permission from each warrior to tell their stories and insert their photographs in the book. It’s been a long, drawn out process but I know it will all be worth it when the book is available for purchase and we can raise some serious awareness for cystic fibrosis.

There were so many great stories that it pained me that we could not use them all. Therefore I’m hoping for more books in the future to feature other CF warriors. That’s one of the purposes for our new website. We want to find more warriors and give hope to more people everywhere that cystic fibrosis does not have to be a death sentence.

I want to thank everyone for taking an interest in the book and I hope that the book will give each of you hope, strength and you will feel the same emotional ties that I did with each of these amazing people from the many stories that are told, the spotlights that are featured and even the honorable mention group of warriors whose stories are no less amazing.

The journey has only begun. This is not just a book. It’s a movement. #cfwarriorproject