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Please Follow The Rules

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Follow the Rules

As a person with an underlying condition, here is what I’d like to say regarding social distancing in public places like restaurants, bowling alleys, gyms, etc. If these businesses are following the rules regarding social distancing, cleaning anything that could possibly be shared and wearing masks while making sure their clients are following the rules too, then I’m okay with it. That doesn’t mean I have to attend nor does anyone else who is uncomfortable but I’m okay with it because I realize the economy needs a boost and people need to put food on their tables. Makes perfect sense to me.

Now, on the other hand, if a restaurant or public place is not following the rules, they should be shut down immediately until they do so. Some people have responded to me because I’m at high risk thanks to cystic fibrosis, “Andy, just don’t go!” For those people, let me say “You’re not getting it.” That does not fix anything. My lack of attendance there doesn’t mean the virus won’t spread to others when the rules are not being followed.

Let’s be clear. This is NOT just about me. This is about the entire human race. Anyone who thinks just about themselves right now is being selfish and there’s no time for selfishness right now. The longer we don’t follow the rules, the longer those of us with underlying conditions will have to quarantine. The longer we don’t follow the rules, businesses and schools will have to continuously be reopened and then shut down again. The longer we don’t follow the rules, more people will get sick and sadly more people will die.

Please wear your masks in public. Please protect your loved ones and perfect strangers who have done nothing to you by social distancing. Please wash your hands. Please don’t touch your face. Please stop complaining about the “new normal.” It’s time to start adhering to it.

Please follow the rules so we don’t have to keep starting over.

Let’s do this!

Thank you.