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Still No Cure

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If Cystic Fibrosis Was Cured

The new triple-combination drug almost set for potential global/FDA approval will introduce many of us with CF to a new world of breathing better, and less IV antibiotics and flare-ups. It’s a world many of us never envisioned seeing. 

Yet, there STILL is not a cure for cystic fibrosis. However, this got me thinking…What would I do if CF was cured?

It’s not a question I pose often because 1) it gets my hopes up, and 2) it just seems unrealistic because of all the damage my body has already incurred over the past 45 years. In a perfect world, where CF is curable, I wouldn’t know what to do with my time. Every day I’d get three hours back from not having to do treatments. No more need for carrying a pill bottle with me at all times. Traveling would no longer include lugging my high-tech equipment around. There would be no more doctor appointments or taking PFTs.

If CF was cured, the first thing I would do is take a trip with my wife. Maybe we’d take the kids. Depends on what kind of mood I’m in. Ha! Ha!

I guess I’d have to figure out how to use Wish for Wendy for continuing to help those with chronic illnesses. I’m not going to focus too much on what I’d do if CF was cured because we are not there yet, but one thing is for sure, the announcement on May 30th about the new drug gives me hope it could one day happen.

What an amazing way to end a month of raising hope and awareness for CF! We are excited for what that future will bring for the CF Warrior Project and the Wish for Wendy Foundation. Now let’s keep working to find that cure!

Consider making a donation today to keep fighting for a cure.

Live your dreams and love your life.
